100% Handmade Commissions
I love to make jewellery to commission because it is so personal. I think that there is always an opportunity for jewellery to tell a story and the crafting of a piece is an important element of this.
After inheriting some family jewellery and being unable to figure out which item belonged to whom, I started getting people to personalise their creations by hand stamping names, dates and messages into the metal.
Whether it is silver Fingerprint Jewellery, a hand stamped message necklace or cufflinks you are looking for please get in touch to discuss your idea and we can design and perhaps make it together.
Often customers want to hand stamp their own message or allow their children to hammer a message into the silver. This adds another layer of personalisation to the piece and an unforgettable experience.
I am based in Hampshire, England so whether it is silver fingerprint jewellery, a hand stamped message on a necklace or pair of cufflinks you are looking for please get in touch to discuss your idea and we can design it together.
“We had a fantastic time making gorgeous rings this afternoon. Fiona is extremely professional and a very patient teacher! Thank you, I really enjoyed the session.”